5 Tips for Carpooling to the Airport

Between the expensive cab fares and dragging your bags onto the bus or subway, finding a ride to the airport can be an absolute nightmare. Obviously the most convenient and economical way of traveling to and from and airport is having a family member or friend drop you off and pick you up at the end of your trip, but when you’re traveling with a bigger group, there might not be enough room in the car. Instead of bothering others with your travel plans, the best solution for you and the people you’re flying with is to carpool. Other than reducing your carbon footprint, Planet Save adds that you’re also minimizing traffic congestion and saving money, so there’s really no reason why you can’t drive yourselves to the airport and then have your car ready for you when you return. So how can you best prepare for your group travel adventure together in the car?

orange vw bug toy on a log

Like with anything else in life, carpooling is easier said than done, but with the following tips, you should be arriving at the airport, along with your travel companions and luggage, in one piece.

Reserve a parking slot

If you get to the airport at a non-peak hour, you’ll probably have no problem finding a space for your car, though it’s better to reserve one to avoid any issues. Parking4Less is one option for on-airport parking as the most popular self park option, which is “usually within a few minutes transfer time from the airport terminal and allows you to keep your car keys while abroad.”

Designate your driver

Depending how far the airport is from your town, you might want to change drivers midway or have a different person driving everyone back home. Anyone who is not driving should be chipping in for gas as well. You can use this method to save money on the flight too if driving to a smaller airport or a cheaper one.


Be ready on time for pick up

Punctuality is key here for both the driver and the riders, as even iterated by the Rochester Institute of Technology. If everyone lives in a different part of town, then consider meeting at the driver’s house so that you can leave all together.

plane in blue sky overhead with glass building

No backseat driving!

Anyone willing to take the responsibility of transporting everyone to and from the airport should be respected, as it’s on their shoulders to make it to the check-in in a safe and timely manner. There’s no need for anyone to add to the driver’s stress! So sit back, relax, put on some tunes and enjoy the ride.

Do you carpool to the airport often? Do you think it’s the easiest way to get there? Do you save any money?


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